This page outlines a few examples of what new themes could look like. This is to help new and potential leads have a better idea of how they could approach setting up a new theme within DSxHE. For each example, we also suggest a couple of theme activities. Please not these are absolutely not prescriptive and we encourage leads to be creative in how they run their theme!
A theme in this category focuses on the creation or curation of a resource that promotes health equity. Our genomics theme sits within this category: the link23 initiative aims to curate a database of tools and resources to advance genomic equity. Some example activities include kick-off workshops to inform the design of the resource, as well as events to promote the resource and source inputs from the wider community.
A theme in this category seeks to promote the uptake of improved practices in a particular domain. Our health data standards theme sits within this category - the organising team has produced a set of data standards to improve reporting of datasets used to train AI models, and the theme aims to encourage the use of these standards. Some example activities include workshops and teaching sessions with end-users to share the best practices, and the production of user-friendly resources (e.g. online tutorials or videos).
A theme in this category aims to draw from the breadth of the community to form a consensus around a particular issue. Some example activities include round table discussions with relevant stakeholders and the production of a position piece to summarise the consensus.
A theme in this category seeks to bridge interdisciplinary gaps to share knowledge across domains. Our statistical methods theme sits within this category. These themes act as a platform to share new ideas and research, especially between different sectors and disciplines. Example activities include webinars, reading groups, and workshops.
A theme in this category aims to generate new knowledge or insights that can advance health equity. This could involve applying novel methods or techniques, such as machine learning or natural language processing, to existing or new data sources. Alternatively, it could involve synthesizing evidence from different domains or perspectives, such as combining quantitative and qualitative data. Some example activities include hackathons or datathons to explore new research questions, or academic working groups.
A theme in this category seeks to foster collaboration and dialogue on specific applied projects across different disciplines or sectors that are relevant to health equity. This could include short-/medium-term projects with a defined outcome and could include engaging with stakeholders from academia, industry, government, civil society, or communities. The goal is to leverage the diverse expertise and experiences of these stakeholders to identify and address health equity challenges.
A theme in this category sets out to promote or explain a particular data science for health equity issue. This could be for difference audiences. For example, a public campaign that explains some of the benefits and risks of data driven health. Activities could include information sessions, blog posts, media articles, and podcasts.